Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Hello family. Well we might not have been able to spend Thanksgiving with everyone, but we thought of everyone and by all of us eating turkey, we can say we were together through bird. Carrie was in charge of her first Thanksgiving here at the Austin Ryans. Her parents and nephew came and enjoyed a DELICIOUS turkey! She de-gutted it (almost vomiting and then laughing hysterically because she almost vomited... all by herself...odd) and then stuffed it with wonderful herbs and various things. It was amazing. Then we iced down the keg and Jim and I did keg stands the whole afternoon. Anyway, our Thanksgiving was awesome and we are very much looking forward to cramming into the house for Christmas and seeing Charis!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Our family accomplishments this week

So I just thought I would list some accomplishments from our family this week:

1 - Rhoda is training for a 5k run and last Saturday timed herself at 2.5 miles - her time, 19:30.
2 - At work I replaced a Transfer Trip Panel that is part of the protection for a 500 kV major transmission line.
3 - Charis rolled over.

Guess which one received the most acclaim at social gatherings? And guess which the least...


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Halloween pics

I originally tried to download a video of Charis rolling over, but it didn't work...sorry. are two Halloween pics. instead.
1. Charis the Ballerina
2. For those of you who watch "The Office"...

Wish List

Okay, it is that time of year again. I need a Wish List from everyone so I can start my shopping. I also thought that this year may be a good time to just give everyone money with the idea that it would be special $ that is not budgeted and you can get what you want as long as you spend it on yourself. What are your thoughts?? I don't mind buying gifts as long as I have a list.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pumpkin Patch and Silly Pics

1. Mona Lisa Smile
2. JC made me put this one up
3. The Ryan family's first pumpkin patch visit
4. Daddy I think I've had enough!
5. My pumpkin sitting on a pumpkin

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More Charis Pics...

Picture 1. BeBe and Charis
Picture 2. The Ryan Family
Picture 3. Charis loves her new bunny
Picture 4. Thanks for the cute jumper, Aunt Meg.
Picture 5. Charis' first 70's party!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Christmas 2007

How would everyone feel about instating the 'draw a name out of a hat' practice for Christmas gifts this year? As our family continues to expand, I think this practice might be a cost effective gift solution for those of us without high-dollar engineering degrees. We could leave Mom, Dad, and Charis out of the drawing since they all deserve lots of presents.

What do you think? It's ok if you don't want to do this; just say so!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Meemaw News

The saga continues. The doctor met with us yesterday and they still do not know what type of infection she has but she still has it and he wants to go in and take out the spacer and clean everthing out and replace it with an antibiotic treated spacer and see if that will help. Her days with medicare are almost up so he is sending her home since she has convinced him that she can take care of herself. Her surgery is tomorrow and she will probably go home next week after she is stable. Her number at the hospital is 713.363.7823. Our prayers should be for her healing obviously, but more than that we need to pray that she will be receptive to going to an assisted living because she cannot take care of herself! She will be in a wheelchair since she is without a hip.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Since Brenda asked...

Here are the latest pictures of Charis. Guess which picture JC did her hair ;)

Thursday, August 30, 2007


I know it is early but what are everyones plans for Thanksgiving?? I am open. If anyone is coming to Houston let me know and I will cook.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hey Ladies!

Just wondering how all the ladies in the Ryan family are doing and what ya'll are up to?

Friday, August 24, 2007

Charis Smiles!!!

I FINALLY got a picture of Charis smiling!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

an update on the z

Well, it has been awhile since I have been on here, so I figure I would break my silence. Things here in Austin are good. Nothing to drastic has changed. Carrie is feeling good and gets her MRI this afternoon as well as another hearing test to make sure things are not progressing the wrong way.
Carrie’s nephew (I guess he is our nephew now) Zach stayed with us for about a week during the summer and it has made me realize I maybe don’t want kids… ever. Just kidding, it wasn’t that bad, it just made having kids very real and ALL the time. So, JC and Rhoda…. Good luck!
My life is about to enter into the happiest time of the year, that’s right, college football begins in just 11 short days, and I cant wait. I have already told Carrie that I will be completely unavailable all day on Saturday… for the whole fall. She was not impressed.
I have been getting lots of calls from recruiters about changing jobs and so it has made me ponder my possibilities elsewhere. Not that I am not really happy where I am, but just to see what else is out there. So, there might be a job change in the near future, but probably not. I don’t really want to change.
Well, that is pretty much me updated. I hope everyone is doing well. Hook ‘em.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More pictures of Charis

So...I tried photography...

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Charis' 1 Month Birthday

Happy 1 Month Birthday, Charis! 9 lbs. 12 oz. and 21 1/2 inches.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Meemaw news

Meemaw is back in the hospital. Apparently the infection has returned to the same hip but this time it is in the bone. They are suppose to remove all the hardware again on Thursday. We have a lot of questions and waiting for the doctor to return our call. That is all I know at this point.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

More 1st week pictures

Well ask and you shall receive. Here are some more pictures. Although, admitedly, every time I sit down to load pictures on the computer I always think "Didn't we take more than this?".
Anyway, we brought her home today and she is doing very well. Her little electronic sentinel (at home heart rate monitor) is only slightly obnoxious to use, and so far she hasn't had any incidents where her heart rate dipped below 80 (it beeps if it does). In reality it only happened a couple of times in the NICU, and the doctor said it isn't really too concerning, but the monitor is a precaution (along with the medicine for reflux).
So we're very happy to have her at home and completely amazed at the way God made her. It is fascinating just to watch her.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Charis enters the world

Here are some pictures of the amazing gift God has given us. I can't wait for you guys to all get to see here in person.

Friday, July 6, 2007

An Ark

Maybe we should think about building an ark!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Wedding Plans

Megan & Chris, how are the plans going?

"You're ready to pop"

JC wanted me to put a picture up that actually shows how big this baby is. it is. And if I hear one more "you look like you're ready to pop" comment I'll fly all the way to Texas something. Ok--I'm not good with threats. Love ya'll!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


JC and I went to a youth Luau last weekend. Special thanks go to Brenda and Dan for going to Tahiti-- we actually had Luau garb.

Who's ready for baby Ryan?

How is it going, JC and Rhoda? Are y'all ready for the baby to come? It's technically due this week, right?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

One of my favorite pics from the wedding...

How this thing works:

1. We can start discussions on certain topics such as what we are doing for Chirstmas or just update each other on our lives. You can do this by starting a new post and then everyone can read about what is going on and then they can reply with comments. You can post picture by using the link picture icon located in the upper right corner of the "new post" box.
2. These things can be as long as you want and you should be able to get on the website whenever you want. Dad, you can post and tell us what is going on in the North Sea if you ever have time. I think this could be a realy cool way to stay in touch. for some reason our family isnt good with the emails, but this is a little more general, so should be better.
3. JC, i dont have rhoda's email and i dont have your joint one, so either she will have to sign on as you, or you will have to tell me her individual/your joint email.
3a. JC, Mom wants lots of pics and udates on the baby, and so do the rest of us, so I think this could be a good way for you to communicate with all of us at once, rather than lots of phone calls.
4. I love you guys, even you Chris, though you are turning my sister in a Cameron Diaz sounding troll.

The first post

Hello family, this is hopefully a way for us to stay in touch better. Now, it is true, if you dont use it, you lose it, so use it.